To register your child's interest in a place at North Walsham Gymnastics Club, please complete the following form.
The following information is confidentially stored and is used solely for the process of being able to allocate your child a place on our registers in an age appropriate class.  We will only use the information provided to contact you once a place becomes available.
Should you change your mind and no longer wish for a place, please email with your preference and NWGC will destroy all personal information stored with immediate effect.

We do not offer trial/taster sessions for recreational classes except by invite only in the school holidays.
You will only be contacted once a space is available - not for confirmation

We currently have over 200 children on our waiting lists. A space may become available between 1-12 months depending on your gymnasts age.
We do require a separate form for each child.

Due to the high numbers of waiting list requests that we receive, please be aware that if we contact you twice offering you a space and we do not receive any replies at all from you, your child's name will be removed from our waiting list.
Child's Date of Birth

*Please check you spam/junk folders regularly for any invites as our emails have been known to go here.